(put: (prompt: "Your name is:", "Wolf") into $playerName)(replace: ?Sidebar)[(css: "display: hidden;")[]](set: $playerName to (upperfirst: $playerName))
Your name is $playerName? Try to use your real name for the full experience.
(link: "Yes")[(go-to: "playerGenderSetup")]
(link: "No")[(go-to: "playerNameSetup")]
(set: $endingEarlyEnd to false)
(set: $endingLedAway to false)
(set: $endingMangled to false)
(set: $endingScarecrow to false)
(set: $endingLostTheBet to false)
(set: $endingHardPlace to false)
(set: $endingGoodnight to false)
(set: $endingStickSleep to false)
(set: $endingConstrict to false)
(set: $endingMotherRage to false)
(set: $achievementAHighOpinion to false)
(set: $achievementStrawBots to false)
(set: $achievementAStickFit to false)
(set: $achievementThickAsABrick to false)
(set: $achievementMangled to false)
(set: $achievementBetrayal to false)
}(replace: ?Sidebar)[(css: "display: hidden;")[]]
|question>[What are your pronouns?
(click: ?masc)[(set: $proPossess to "his")(set: $proPossessPlural to "his")(set: $proReflex to "himself")(set: $proSubj to "he")(set: $proObj to "him")(set: $proRef to "is")
(replace: ?question)[(transition: "dissolve")[(upperfirst: $proPossess) name is $playerName. (upperfirst: $proSubj) $proRef playing this game. Is this correct? (link: "Yes")[(go-to: "playerSaveSettings")]/(link: "No")[(go-to: "playerGenderSetup")]]]]
(click: ?fem)[(set: $proPossess to "her")(set: $proPossessPlural to "hers")(set: $proReflex to "herself")(set: $proSubj to "she")(set: $proObj to "her")(set: $proRef to "is")(replace: ?question)[(transition: "dissolve")[(upperfirst: $proPossess) name is $playerName. (upperfirst: $proSubj) $proRef playing this game. Is this correct? (link: "Yes")[(go-to: "playerSaveSettings")]/(link: "No")[(go-to: "playerGenderSetup")]]
(click: ?neut)[(set: $proPossess to "their")(set: $proPossessPlural to "theirs")(set: $proReflex to "themselves")(set: $proSubj to "they")(set: $proObj to "them")(set: $proRef to "are")(replace: ?question)[(transition: "dissolve")[(upperfirst: $proPossess) name is $playerName. (upperfirst: $proSubj) $proRef playing this game. Is this correct? (link: "Yes")[(go-to: "playerSaveSettings")]/(link: "No")[(go-to: "playerGenderSetup")]]
(click: ?other)[(set: $proPossess to "xyr")(set: $proPossessPlural to "xyrs")(set: $proReflex to "xyrself")(set: $proSubj to "xe")(set: $proObj to "xem")(set: $proRef to "is")(replace: ?question)[(transition: "dissolve")[(upperfirst: $proPossess) name is $playerName. (upperfirst: $proSubj) $proRef playing this game. Is this correct? (link: "Yes")[(go-to: "playerSaveSettings")]/(link: "No")[(go-to: "playerGenderSetup")]]
}(replace: ?Sidebar)[(css: "display: hidden;")[]]
Are these settings correct?
Name: $playerName
Pronouns: $proSubj/$proObj
(link: "Yes")[(set: $playerProfileSet to "true")(go-to: "mainMenu")]
(link: "No")[(go-to: "playerNameSetup")]
}(css: "max-width: 100%; text-align: center; margin: auto;")[|menu>[<h2>Gluttonous Greed</h2>
(if: $playerProfileSet is "true")[|startClick>[<button class = "correctButton">Start</button>]](else:)[(css: "text-decoration: underline; color: red;")[<button class = incorrectButton>Start<span class = "tooltiptext">Create a profile before starting</span></button>]]
|helpClick>[<button class = "correctButton">How to Play and Credits</button>]
|saveClick>[<button class = "correctButton">Save</button>]
|loadClick>[<button class = "correctButton">Load</button>]
|profileClick>[<button class = "correctButton">Profile and Achievements</button>]
|quitClick>[<button class = "correctButton">Quit</button>]
|devClick>[<button class = "correctButton">Developer Menu</button>]]]
<!-- Sets the variables back to their defaults -->
(set: $playerAnimal to 0)
(set: $playerGreed to 0)
(set: $playerHunger to 20)
(set: $playerRest to 20)
(set: $playerSeenBoar to false)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[(css: "display: hidden;")[]]
<!-- Make sure buttons are working correctly -->
(click: ?startClick)[(go-to: "intro")]
(click: ?saveClick)[{(set: $saved to true)(replace: ?saveClick)[(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
<button class = "incorrectButton">Game saved!</button> (live: 1s)[(go-to: "mainMenu")]
](else: )[
<button class = "incorrectButton">Sorry, I couldn't save your game.</button>
(if: (saved-games:) contains "mainSave")[(click: ?loadClick)[(replace: ?loadClick)[|loadClickAgain>[<button class = "correctButton">Are you sure? Unsaved progress will be lost</button>](click: ?loadClickAgain)[(save-game: "tempSave")(load-game: "mainSave")]]]]
(else:)[(replace: ?loadClick)[<button class = "incorrectButton">Load<span class = "tooltiptext">No load file available</span></button>]]
(if: $playerProfileSet is "true")[(click: ?profileClick)[(go-to: "playerProfile")]]
(else:)[(replace: ?profileClick)[|profileClickStart>[<button class = "correctButton">Create a profile</button>(click: ?profileClickStart)[(go-to: "playerNameSetup")]]]]
(click: ?helpClick)[(go-to: "helpMenu")]
(click: ?quitClick)[<script>window.close()</script>]
(click: ?devClick)[(go-to: "devConsole")]
<!-- Shows the connections -->
}{(replace: ?Sidebar)[(css: "display: hidden;")[]]}
|mainText>[(link: "Back")[(go-to: "mainMenu")] / (link: "Reset")[(replace: ?mainText)[Are you sure? All progress will be removed(link: "Yes")[(go-to: "playerNameSetup")]/(link: "No")[(go-to: "playerProfile")]]]
Name: $playerName
Pronouns: $proSubj/$proObj
Playthroughs: $playthroughs
|endingOne>[(css: "color: red;")[<button class="incorrectButton">Early End</button>]]
|endingTwo>[(css: "color: red;")[<button class="incorrectButton">Led Away</button>]]
|endingThree>[<button class="incorrectButton">Mangled</button>]
|endingFour>[<button class="incorrectButton">Scarecrow</button>]
|endingFive>[<button class="incorrectButton">Lost The Bet</button>]
|endingSix>[<button class="incorrectButton">Base Needs</button>]
|endingSeven>[<button class="incorrectButton">A Hoof And A Hard Place</button>]
|endingEight>[<button class="incorrectButton">Goodnight</button>]
|endingNine>[<button class="incorrectButton">Sleeping In The Sticks</button>]
|endingTen>[<button class="incorrectButton">Constricted</button>]
|endingEleven>[<button class="incorrectButton">Mother's Rage</button>]
|achievementOne>[(css: "color: red;")[<button class="incorrectButton">A High Opinion</button>]]
|achievementTwo>[(css: "color: red;")[<button class="incorrectButton">Straw Bots</button>]]
|achievementThree>[(css: "color: red;")[<button class="incorrectButton">A Stick Fit</button>]]
|achievementFour>[(css: "color: red;")[<button class="incorrectButton">Thick As A Brick</button>]]
|achievementFive>[(css: "color: red;")[<button class="incorrectButton">Is This A Reference?</button>]]
|achievementSix>[(css: "color: red;")[<button class="incorrectButton">Betrayal</button>]]
<!--- Write if statements to reveal achievements and endings --->
(if: $endingEarlyEnd is true)[(replace: ?endingOne)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Early End</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Died to the Wood Sow in six turns or less</span>]]]
(if: $endingLedAway is true)[(replace: ?endingTwo)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Led Away</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Was escorted away by the Wood Sow</span>]]]
(if: $endingMangled is true)[(replace: ?endingThree)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Mangled</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Mangled by the Straw Pig</span>]]]
(if: $endingScarecrow is true)[(replace: ?endingFour)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Scarecrow</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Killed by the Straw Pig</span>]]]
(if: $endingLostTheBet is true)[(replace: ?endingFive)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Lost The Bet</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Let go by the Straw Pig</span>]]]
(if: $endingLostTheBet is true)[(replace: ?endingSix)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Base Needs</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Neglect your needs to the point of death</span>]]]
(if: $endingHardPlace is true)[(replace: ?endingSeven)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">A Hoof And A Hard Place</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Killed by the Brick Pig</span>]]]
(if: $endingGoodnight is true)[(replace: ?endingEight)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Goodnight</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Carried away by the Stick Pig</span>]]]
(if: $endingStickSleep is true)[(replace: ?endingNine)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Sleeping In The Sticks</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Killed by the Stick Pig</span>]]]
(if: $endingConstrict is true)[(replace: ?endingTen)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Constricted</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Strangled by the Stick Pig</span>]]]
(if: $endingMotherRage is true)[(replace: ?endingEleven)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Mother's Rage</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Escaped the woods</span>]]]
(if: $achievementAHighOpinion is true)[(replace: ?achievementOne)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">A High Opinion</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Was called a beast by the Wood Sow</span>]]]
(if: $achievementStrawBots is true)[(replace: ?achievementTwo)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Straw Bots</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Entered the straw house</span>]]]
(if: $achievementAStickFit is true)[(replace: ?achievementThree)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">A Stick Fit</button><br>
<span class = "achieveText">Entered the stick house</span>]]]
(if: $achievementThickAsABrick is true)[(replace: ?achievementFour)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Thick As A Brick</button><br><span class = "achieveText">Entered the brick house</span>]]]
(if: $achievementMangled is true)[(replace: ?achievementFive)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Is This A Reference?</button><br><span class = "achieveText">Was mangled by the Straw Pig</span>]]]
(if: $achievementBetrayal is true)[(replace: ?achievementSix)[(css: "color: green;")[<button class="achieveButton">Betrayal</button><br><span class = "achieveText">Murdered the Straw Pig</span>]]]
}The following is a list of variables, notes, and comments on how to continue development on "And then there were Four"
This list and page are not to be included in the game and is only for back-end work
int playerAnimal
Sees how animalistic the player acts
[Counts up for each animalistic action, currently the max is 5]
int playerGreed
Sees how greedy the player acts
[Counts up for each greedy action, currently the max is 1]
int playerHunger
Sees how hungry the player is, and kills the player when below 1
[starts at 20, counts down]
int playerRest
Sees how tired the player is, and kills the player when below 1
[starts at 20, counts down]
-- NOTES --
Reset ending and achievement variables in the player name setup
-- COMMENTS --<b>Gluttonous Greed</b> is a game about what you choose to inspect and interact with. What you choose will impact your playing experience, displaying your character either as a greedy, feral, animal or a cautious, intelligent, creature.
Blue text are actions you can take.
When you make a choice that increases your animalistic or greedy nature, text will change in appearance to reveal this. Green text will appear when positive changes to your hunger or rest have happened.
Some paths will be closed, and options limited, depending on how greedy or animalistic you are.
Adsay, O. (2015). Button Generator. Retrieved from Best CSS Button Generator: http://www.bestcssbuttongenerator.com/
CSS base formatting:
greyelf. (2015, February). Archive-Function and Stylesheets in Harlowe. Retrieved from Twine Forum: https://twinery.org/forum/discussion/2428/archive-function-and-stylesheets-in-harlowe
Harlowe Code manual:
Harlowe 2.0.1 manual. (2017, May 25). Retrieved from Twine 2 Neocities: https://twine2.neocities.org/
CSS Tooltops:
W3Schools. (2017). CSS Tooltip. Retrieved from W3Schools: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_tooltip.asp
(link: "Back")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]
(replace: ?Sidebar)[(css: "display: hidden;")[]]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You are a |clickOne>[wolf]
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[Your |clickTwoONE>[name] is |clickTwoTWO>[$playerName]]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You |clickThreeONE>[are] an |clickThreeTWO>[animal].]]
|revealThree)[And you are [[in the woods->woodsIntro]].]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwoONE)[(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 1)(show: ?revealTwo)(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[Your name is (text-style: "blurrier")[$playerName].]]]
(click: ?clickTwoTWO)[(show: ?revealTwo)(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[Your name is $playerName.]]]
(click: ?clickThreeONE)[(show: ?revealThree)(replace: ?revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You aren't an animal.]]]
(click: ?clickThreeTWO)[(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 1)(show: ?revealThree)(replace: ?revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You are an <b>animal</b>.]]]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(if: $playerAnimal > 0)[(go-to: "woodsAnimalOne")]
(else:)[(go-to: "woodsOne")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
The woods are dark, and set your fur on end. There's something |clickOne>[wrong] here.
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You look |clickTwoONE>[up] and to the |clickTwoTWO>[right].]]
{|revealTwoONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[Above you the leaves block out most of the sun's warmth and shroud the |clickThreeONE>[forest floor] in spotty shadows. The only noise is the sound of a gentle breeze you can't feel rustling through the |clickThreeTWO>[trees].]]
|revealTwoTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[Then you freeze, as you see |clickThreeTHREE>[two black eyes staring at you].]]}
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwoONE)[(show: ?revealTwoONE)(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You look up.]]]
(click: ?clickTwoTWO)[(show: ?revealTwoTWO)(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You look to the right.]]]
(click: ?clickThreeONE)[(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 1)(go-to: "woodsFloor")]
(click: ?clickThreeTWO)[(go-to: "woodsTrees")]
(click: ?clickThreeTHREE)[(go-to: "woodsBoar")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
|revealZero>[You can smell prey in the woods, |clickOneONE>[rabbits and deer] of various kinds. There's |clickOneTWO>[something else], but it's hard to smell under the food.]
{|revealOneONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[You crouch low and stalk towards a |clickTwoONE>[rabbit den] you can smell nearby, ears perked for any |clickTwoTWO>[sounds].]]
|revealOneTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[You try to get past the tempting smells, searching at least for the source of the other smell. You crouch low and climb between two fallen trees before you stop short of crashing into a |clickTwo>[large boar].]]}
{|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You freeze in place, and look into the |clickThree>[boar's black eyes].]]
|revealTwoONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[The smell of rabbit is strong as you stand over the den, considering your options. There is clearing a rabbit inside, and the hole looks freshly dug so it musn't be deep. You could probably |clickThreeONE>[dig] for it.]]
|revealTwoTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[You pause beside the den, listening to rabbit feet move through below you and heavy breathing to your |clickThreeTWO>[right].]]}
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You turn to look, and see the black eyes of a large |clickFour>[boar].]]
(click: ?clickOneONE)[(set: $playerGreed to $playerGreed + 1)(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 1)(show: ?revealOneONE)(replace: ?revealZero)[(transition: "dissolve")[You can smell prey in the woods, <b>rabbits and deer</b> of various kinds.]]]
(if: $playerAnimal > 2)[(replace: ?clickOneTwo)[(css: "color: red")[(text-style: "strike")[something else]]]]
(else:)[(click: ?clickOneTWO)[(show: ?spaceOne)(show: ?revealOneTwo)(replace: ?revealZero)[(transition: "dissolve")[You can smell prey in the woods, rabbits and deer of various kinds. There's something else, but it's hard to smell under the food.]]]]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickTwoONE)[(show: ?revealTwoONE)(set: $playerGreed to $playerGreed + 1)(replace: ?revealOneONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[You crouch low and stalk towards a <b>rabbit den</b> you can smell nearby.]]]
(click: ?clickTwoTWO)[(show: ?revealTwoTWO)(replace: ?revealOneONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[You crouch low and stalk towards a rabbit den you can smell nearby, ears perked for any sounds.]]]
(click: ?clickThree)[(go-to: "woodsBoar")]
(click: ?clickThreeONE)[(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 2)(go-to: "woodsHunt")]
(click: ?clickThreeTWO)[(show: ?spaceThree)(show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?clickFour)[(go-to: "woodsBoar")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
|revealZero>[The wind passes over your fur, and brings the scent of |clickOne>[a rabbit].]
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You step up to a hole near a tree, where you can smell the |clickTwoONE>[rabbit]. Being near it, you can also smell |clickTwoTWO>[something else].]]
{|revealTwoONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[The hole looks fresh, the rabbit couldn't have dug deeply. You could probably |clickThreeONE>[dig] it up.]]
|revealTwoTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[You turn to look, and see a |clickThreeTWO>[boar's black eyes].]]}
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwoONE)[(show: ?revealTwoONE)(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You step up to a hole near a tree, where you can smell the <b>rabbit</b>.]]]
(click: ?clickTwoTWO)[(show: ?revealTwoTWO)(replace: ?revealOne)[You step up to a hole near a tree, where you can small the rabbit. Being near it, you can also smell something else.]]
(click: ?clickThreeONE)[(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 2)(go-to: "woodsHunt")]
(click: ?clickThreeTWO)[(go-to: "woodsBoar")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
|revealZero>[The floor of the forest is soft under your feet, the dead leaves warmed by the sun and softened with age. They part when you walk across them, revealling |clickOneONE>[dried fruits] and |clickOneTWO>[rabbit tracks].]
{|revealOneONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[You grab the fruits and eat them. The taste is nasty on your tongue, but it helps ease your hunger. You ignore the rabbit tracks for now, |clickTwoONE>[unsettled] by the wood's atmosphere.]]
|revealOneTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[You follow the tracks to a hole dug into the ground. It looks fresh, the rabbit inside hasn't been here long and musn't have |clickTwoTWO>[dug] deeply, and you would've already started digging if the fur on your neck wasn't |clickTwoTHREE>[on end].]]}
{|revealTwoTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[You could catch it if you start |clickThreeONE>[digging now].]]
|revealTwoTHREE)[(transition: "dissolve")[The fur is pushed the wrong way by |clickThreeTWO>[the wind].]]}
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You turn, looking into two black eyes of a |clickFour>[boar].]]
(click: ?clickOneONE)[(show: ?revealOneONE)(replace: ?revealZero)[|revealZero>[(transition: "dissolve")[The floor of the forest is soft under your feet, the dead leaves warmed by the sun and softened with age. They part when you walk across them, revealling |clickOneONE>[dried fruits].]]](replace: ?clickOneONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "changeText">dried fruits</span>]](set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger + 5)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]]
(click: ?clickOneTWO)[(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 2)(replace: ?revealZero)[|revealZero>[(transition: "dissolve")[The floor of the forest is soft under your feet, the dead leaves warmed by the sun and softened with age. They part when you walk across them, revealling <b>rabbit tracks</b>.]]](show: ?revealOneTWO)]
(click: ?clickTwoONE)[(go-to: "woodsSkip")]
(click: ?clickTwoTWO)[(set: $playerGreed to $playerGreed + 2)(show: ?revealTwoTWO)(replace: ?revealOneTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[You follow the tracks to a hole dug into the ground. It looks fresh, the rabbit inside hasn't been there long and musn't have <b>dug</b> deeply.]]]
(click: ?clickTwoThree)[(show: ?revealTwoTHREE)(replace: ?revealOneTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[You follow the tracks to a hole dug into the ground. It looks fresh, the rabbit inside hasn't been here long and musn't have dug deeply, and you would've already started digging if the fur on your neck wasn't on end.]]]
(click: ?clickThreeONE)[(go-to: "woodsHunt")]
(click: ?clickThreeTWO)[(replace: ?revealTwoTHREE)[(transition: "dissolve")[The fur is pushed the wrong way by <i>breathing</i>.]](show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?clickFour)[(go-to: "woodsBoar")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerSeenBoar to true)
|achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[(if: $playerAnimal > 2)[(if: $playerGreed is 0)[
(set: $achievementAHighOpinion to true)
<span class = "changeText">A High Opinion achievement collected</span><br>
(set: $tempTime to 0)
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
The boar looks at you.
{|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[
(if: $playerAnimal > 2)[(if: $playerGreed > 0)[
<i>"..."</i> She keeps looking at you.
(if: $playerAnimal > 2)[(if: $playerGreed is 0)[
<i>"You are lost, beast,"</i> She says.
]] (else-if: $playerGreed > 0)[
<i>"You are lost, selfish one,"</i> She says.
] (else:)[
<i>"What are your intentions, wolf?"</i> She asks.
{|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[
(if: $playerAnimal > 2)[(if: $playerGreed > 0)[
You think of |clickOneONE>[snapping at her], or |clickOneTWO>[looking for her den].
(if: $playerAnimal > 2)[(if: $playerGreed is 0)[
You think of |clickOneONE>[snapping at her], or |clickOneTWO>[asking who she is].
]] (else-if: $playerGreed > 0)[
You think of |clickOneONE>[looking for her den], or |clickOneTWO>[asking who she is].
] (else:)[
You think of |clickOneONE>[asking for help], or |clickOneTWO>[asking who she is].
(click: ?clickOneONE)[
(if: $playerAnimal > 2)[
(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 2)
(go-to: "boarSnap")
] (else-if: $playerGreed > 0)[
(set: $playerGreed to $playerGreed + 2)
(go-to: "boarDen")
] (else:)[
(go-to: "boarHelp")
(click: ?clickOneTWO)[
(if: $playerAnimal > 2)[
(if: $playerGreed > 0)[
(set: $playerGreed to $playerGreed + 2)
(go-to: "boarDen")]
(go-to: "boarWho")
] (else:)[
(go-to: "boarWho")
(live: 1s)[
(set: $tempTime to $tempTime + 1)
(if: $tempTime is 1)[(unless: $achievementAHighOpinion is true)[
(show: ?achievement)
(if: $tempTime is 5)[
(replace: ?achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[]]
(if: $tempTime is 2)[
(show: ?revealOne)
(if: $tempTime is 4)[
(show: ?revealTwo)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerSeenBoar to true)
(set: $huntTimeTrue to false)
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
|revealZero>[You set your paws against the |clickOne>[soft earth].]
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You |clickTwo>[dig around] the hole, drawing the rabbit up.]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You can hear the rabbit |clickThree>[scurrying up].]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[Its head appears, and you |clickFour>[snap its neck with your jaw].]]
|revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[You stand there.]]
|revealFive)[(transition: "dissolve")[You are no longer hungry.]]
|revealSix)[(transition: "dissolve")[This is the end of your journey. |achievement)[<br><span class = "changeText">Early End ending collected</span>]
(unless: $endingEarlyEnd is true)[(show: ?achievement)(set: $endingEarlyEnd to true)](link: "Return to Menu")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You dig around the hole, <i>feeling the earth shudder.</i>]]]
(click: ?clickThree)[(set: $huntTime to 0)(show: ?revealThree)(replace: ?revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>You can hear breathing by your neck.</i>]]]
(click: ?clickFour)[(set: $playerHunger to 0)(set: $playerRest to 0)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(set: $huntTimeTrue to true)(replace: ?revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>Her head appears, and she snaps your neck with her jaw.</i>]]]
(live: 1s)[(if: $huntTimeTrue is true)[
(set: $huntTime to $huntTime + 1)
(if: $huntTime is 3)[
(show: ?revealFour)
(if: $huntTime is 4)[
(replace: ?revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>She stands there.</i>]]
(if: $huntTime is 6)[
(show: ?revealFive)
(if: $huntTime is 8)[
(show: ?revealSix)
(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
|revealZero>[You've travelled for days to make it to these woods, with |clickOneONE>[little food] on the journey and even |clickOneTWO>[less rest].]
{|revealOneONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[You're starving, and fearful that your own hunger will force you into danger. If you don't do something soon, you're not sure you'll |clickTwoONE>[make it much further].]]
|revealOneTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[Your legs twitch with each step, muscles tight as you weave between trees. The running you'd done to get here is clearly catching up with you, and even under the shade of the trees you |clickTwoTWO>[don't feel safe].]]}
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[The hunger in your gut doesn't help, desperation is making the trees' shadows look like people and rocks look like predators. You'll need to |clickThree>[do something].]]
(click: ?clickOneONE)[(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 1)(replace: ?revealZero)[(transition: "dissolve")[You've travelled for days to make it to these woods, with <b>little food</b> on the journey.]](show: ?revealOneONE)]
(click: ?clickOneTWO)[(replace: ?revealZero)[(transition: "dissolve")[You've travelled for days to make it to these woods, with little food on the journey and even less rest.]](show: ?revealOneTWO)]
(click: ?clickTwoONE)[(go-to: "woodsDirection")]
(click: ?clickTwoTWO)[(if: $playerAnimal < 1)[(go-to: "woodsDirection")](else:)[(show: ?revealTwo)]]
(click: ?clickThree)[(go-to: "woodsDirection")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerSeenBoar to false)
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You leave the spot, your tail bristling at the feeling of |clickOne>[eyes on your back].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[Your steps sound too loud in the suddenly silent forest, you can feel the wind dying at your heels. You cannot shake how |clickTwo>[wrong it feels].]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You walk faster until you're running away from the presence at your back. Ahead you can see |clickThree>[a light].]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(go-to: "woodsClearing")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You break through the tree line, and enter a clearing with three homes lined up. You pause where you stand, and turn back with a heaving breath to check |clickOne>[behind you].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[In the line of trees you can see the a faint outline, and two black eyes, but |clickTwo>[you are not followed].]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You turn back to the |clickThree>[three houses].]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(go-to: "woodsHouses")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $tempTimer to 0)
(set: $tempTimerOn to true)
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
{<i>"The guard of these woods,"</i> She answers, and your mind supplies 'a wood sow',
(if: $playerAnimal > 2)[<i>"And you aren't an animal from here."</i>]
(else-if: $playerGreed > 0)[<i>"And you are a selfish creature."</i>]
(else:)[<i>"And you are not welcome here."</i>]}
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[|clickTwoONE>[You stare at her] and |clickTwoTWO>[ask what she means].]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>"Leave."</i>]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link: "You run.")[(go-to: "woodsClearing")]]]
(click: ?clickTwoONE)[(set: $tempTimerOn to true)(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 1)(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You stare at her, and she stares back.]]]
(click: ?clickTwoTWO)[(set: $tempTimerOn to true)(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You ask what she means, and she just stares at you.]]]
(live: 1s)[
(if: $tempTimerOn is true)[
(set: $tempTimer to $tempTimer + 1)
(if: $tempTimer is 1)[
(show: ?revealOne)
(set: $tempTimerOn to false)
(if: $tempTimer is 3)[
(show: ?revealTwo)
(if: $tempTimer is 4)[
(show: ?revealThree)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $tempTimerOn to true)
(set: $tempTimer to 0)
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
She looks at you.
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[Her head lowers to your eye level, and she snorts.]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>"I can show you how to leave."</i>]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You wonder if you |clickFourONE>[shouldn't] or |clickFourTWO>[should leave].]]
{|revealFourONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[You back up from her, and she raises up.]]
|revealFourTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[She nods, and she begins walking away. |clickFive>[You follow her].]]}
|revealFive)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>"I understand."</i>]]
|revealSix)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link: "You run.")[(go-to: "woodsClearing")]]]
(click: ?clickFourONE)[(set: $tempTimerOn to true)(show: ?revealFourONE)(replace: ?revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You don't leave.]]]
(click: ?clickFourTWO)[(show: ?revealFourTWO)(replace: ?revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You lean your body towards her, but don't step closer.]]]
(click: ?clickFive)[(go-to: "woodsHelpEscape")]
(live: 1s)[
(if: $tempTimerOn is true)[
(if: $tempTimerOn is true)[
(set: $tempTimer to $tempTimer + 1)
(if: $tempTimer is 2)[
(show: ?revealOne)
(if: $tempTimer is 4)[
(show: ?revealTwo)
(if: $tempTimer is 6)[
(show: ?revealThree)
(set: $tempTimerOn to false)
(if: $tempTimer is 8)[
(show: ?revealFive)
(if: $tempTimer is 9)[
(show: ?revealSix)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You |clickOne>[grin] at her.
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[She steps forward, <i>"Run."</i>]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[Your grin falters, and |clickThree>[she steps closer]].]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You run.]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?revealOne)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?revealThree)[(go-to: "woodsClearing")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You lower yourself, and reach up to |clickOne>[snap at her neck].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You miss.]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[She charges.]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You run.]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?revealOne)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?revealTwo)[(show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?revealThree)[(go-to: "woodsClearing")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
She leads you through the trees, along a path |clickOne>[you don't recognise].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[The trees are thinner here, near sickly looking, but the sun beats onto your back |clickTwo>[stronger and warmer].]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>"Here it is,"</i> She says, as you |clickThree>[step ahead of her], <i>"The edge of my protection."</i>]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[Ahead of you is a small lake, with a human bridge across it. You can smell chickens and cows, and the smell |clickFour>[draws you from the line of trees].]]
|revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[|clickFive>[She doesn't move], <i>"Anything beyond here, I cannot touch."</i>]]
|revealFive)[(transition: "dissolve")[You can smell people, humans, and you can |clickSix>[hear them yelling].]]
|revealSix)[(transition: "dissolve")[|clickSeven>[You remember why you were running].]]
|revealSeven)[(transition: "dissolve")[|clickEight>[When you turn, it's too late.]]]
|revealEight)[(transition: "dissolve")[This is the end of your journey. |achievement)[<br><span class = "changeText">Led Away ending collected</span>]
(unless: $endingLedAway is true)[(show: ?achievement)(set: $endingLedAway to true)](link: "Return to Menu")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?clickFour)[(show: ?revealFour)]
(click: ?clickFive)[(show: ?revealFive)]
(click: ?clickSix)[(show: ?revealSix)]
(click: ?clickSeven)[(show: ?revealSeven)]
(click: ?clickEight)[(show: ?revealEight)
(set: $playerHunger to 0)(set: $playerRest to 0)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]]
(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
This is the last page of this demo version.
(link: "Return to Menu")[(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)(go-to: "mainMenu")]
|achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[
(set: $achievementStrawBots to true)
<span class = "changeText">Straw Bots achievement collected</span><br>
(set: $tempTime to 0)
(live: 1s)[
(set: $tempTime to $tempTime + 1)
(if: $tempTime is 1)[(unless: $achievementStrawBots is true)[
(show: ?achievement)
(if: $tempTime is 5)[
(replace: ?achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[]]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
The house is roughly kept together with twine, and as you get closer the metallic banging lessens until you can only hear someone |clickOne>[humming].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You step forward and |clickTwo>[open the wooden door].]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(go-to: "strawHouseEntrance")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
|achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[
(set: $achievementAStickFit to true)
<span class = "changeText">A Stick Fit achievement collected</span><br>
(set: $tempTime to 0)
(set: $stickCatch to false)
(live: 1s)[
(set: $tempTime to $tempTime + 1)
(if: $tempTime is 1)[(unless: $achievementAStickFit is true)[
(show: ?achievement)
(if: $tempTime is 5)[
(replace: ?achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[]]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You run through the door and slam it behind you, letting out a shuddering breath as the |clickOne>[door clicks].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You get back up after a moment, and look around you at the walls made of branches and planks. Down the hall you can see two barred doors and an |clickTwo>[archway] that turns off from the hallway you're in.]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You take one more look at the door behind you, before heading towards the |clickThree>[archway].]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(go-to: "stickHousePassage")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
|achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[
(set: $achievementThickAsABrick to true)
<span class = "changeText">Thick As A Brick achievement collected</span><br>
(set: $tempTime to 0)
(live: 1s)[
(set: $tempTime to $tempTime + 1)
(if: $tempTime is 1)[(unless: $achievementThickAsABrick is true)[
(show: ?achievement)
(if: $tempTime is 5)[
(replace: ?achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[]]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You crash into the brick house's door, the wooden surface not giving |clickOne>[when you press against it].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigTextAlt">"Here $proSubj $proRef,"</span> A voice says behind you, bringing you to spin around and face a boar |clickTwo>[three times your size].]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[The boar turns to address you, |clickThree>[tusks bared], <span class = "pigTextAlt">"You chose wrong, (if: $playerAnimal > 3)[beast](else-if: $playerGreed > 1)[greedy creature](else:)[wolf]."</span>]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[A cloven hoof shoots out, crushing you against the door by your |clickFour>[neck].]]
|revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class="pigTextAlt">"You should've gone to the first house,"</span> The hoof on your neck (text-style: "blur")[crushes you |clickFive>[closer to the door]]]]
|revealFive)[(transition: "dissolve")[(text-style: "blur")[|clickSix>[You can't <i>breathe</i>.]]]]
|revealEnd)[(transition: "dissolve")[This is the end of your journey. |achievement)[<br><span class = "changeText">A Hoof And A Hard Place ending collected</span>]
(unless: $endingHardPlace is true)[(show: ?achievement)(set: $endingHardPlace to true)](link: "Return to Menu")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?clickFour)[(show: ?revealFour)]
(click: ?clickFive)[(show: ?revealFive)]
(click: ?clickSix)[(show: ?revealEnd)]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $tempHouseOne to false)
(set: $tempHouseTwo to false)
(set: $tempHouseThree to false)
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You look between the |clickHOne>[first], |clickHTwo>[second], and |clickHThree>[third] houses.
|revealChoice)[(transition: "dissolve")[Back in the centre of the clearing, you look between the |clickOne>[straw], |clickTwo>[stick], and |clickThree>[brick houses]. Your fur sticks on end as you look, and you can feel those |clickFour>[two black eyes] at your back.]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(go-to: "strawHouseIntro")]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(go-to: "stickHouseIntro")]
(click: ?clickThree)[(go-to: "brickHouseIntro")]
(click: ?clickFour)[(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 1)(go-to: "houseDecision")]
(click: ?clickHOne)[
(if: $tempHouseOne is false)[
(set: $tempHouseOne to true)
(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[The house closest to you is made of straw, with a door reinforced with wood. When you step closer to it you can hear metal connecting, the sound loud over someone's humming.]]
] (else-if: $tempHouseTwo is false)[
(set: $tempHouseTwo to true)
(replace: ?revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[The house closest to you is made of straw, with a door reinforced with wood. When you step closer to it you can hear metal connecting, the sound loud over someone's humming.]]
] (else-if: $tempHouseThree is false)[
(set: $tempHouseThree to true)
(replace: ?revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[The house closest to you is made of straw, with a door reinforced with wood. When you step closer to it you can hear metal connecting, the sound loud over someone's humming.]]
(show: ?revealChoice)
(click: ?clickHTwo)[
(if: $tempHouseOne is false)[
(set: $tempHouseOne to true)
(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[The house between the others is made from sticks. Each looks native, like they'd been hand collected from the surrounding woods.]]
] (else-if: $tempHouseTwo is false)[
(set: $tempHouseTwo to true)
(replace: ?revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[The house between the others is made from sticks. Each looks native, like they'd been hand collected from the surrounding woods.]]
] (else-if: $tempHouseThree is false)[
(set: $tempHouseThree to true)
(replace: ?revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[The house between the others is made from sticks. Each looks native, like they'd been hand collected from the surrounding woods.]]
(show: ?revealChoice)
(click: ?clickHThree)[
(if: $tempHouseOne is false)[
(set: $tempHouseOne to true)
(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[The farthest house is made of brick, and has a tall chimney that's lazily smoking. The house has windows with closed curtains, and a small garden outside of it.]]
] (else-if: $tempHouseTwo is false)[
(set: $tempHouseTwo to true)
(replace: ?revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[The farthest house is made of brick, and has a tall chimney that's lazily smoking. The house has windows with closed curtains, and a small garden outside of it.]]
] (else-if: $tempHouseThree is false)[
(set: $tempHouseThree to true)
(replace: ?revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[The farthest house is made of brick, and has a tall chimney that's lazily smoking. The house has windows with closed curtains, and a small garden outside of it.]]
(show: ?revealChoice)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $tempHouseSelection to (random: 1,3))
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You look into |clickOne>[(if: $playerSeenBoar is true)[her eyes](else:)[those eyes]].
{|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[(if: $tempHouseSelection is 1)[You run to the |clickTwoONE>[straw house].]
(else-if: $tempHouseSelection is 2)[You run to the |clickTwoTWO>[stick house].]
(else:)[You run to the |clickTwoTHREE>[brick house].]]]}
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwoONE)[(go-to: "strawHouseIntro")]
(click: ?clickTwoTWO)[(go-to: "stickHouseIntro")]
(click: ?clickTwoTHREE)[(go-to: "brickHouseIntro")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
The inside of the house is covered in metal plating, crudely bolted together and covered in scraps of straw. You find yourself in a hallway, with |clickOne>[three wooden doors] along its walls.
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You step forward through the hallway, and as you near the door at the end |clickTwo>[you can hear the humming pick up].]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">"(upperfirst: $proRef) $proSubj here yet?"</span>
|clickThreeONE>[You stop], facing |clickThreeTWO>[the door the voice came from].]]
{|revealThreeOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">"$playerName is scared~"</span> The voice says, joined by another sharp bang, <span class = "pigText">"Little wolfie better start running."</span><br>
You turn back to look at the doors on the |clickFourONE>[left] and |clickFourTWO>[right].]]
|revealThreeTWO)[You press close to it, ear up and |clickFourTHREE>[listening in].]}
|revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">"You'll hear better inside,"</span> The voice says, and you hear |clickFive>[someone moving closer to the door], <span class = "pigText">"Sneaky wolf."</spam>]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThreeONE)[(show: ?revealThreeONE)(replace: ?revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">"(upperfirst: $proRef) $proSubj here yet?"</span><br>
You stop.]]]
(click: ?clickThreeTWO)[(show: ?revealThreeTWO)(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 1)(replace: ?revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">"(upperfirst: $proRef) $proSubj here yet?"</span><br>
You walk towards the door the voice came from.]]]
(click: ?clickFourONE)[(go-to: "strawKitchenEntrance")]
(click: ?clickFourTWO)[(go-to: "strawBedroomEntrance")]
(click: ?clickFourTHREE)[(show: ?revealFour)]
(click: ?clickFive)[(go-to: "strawWorkshopEntrance")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You slam the door behind you, and find yourself in a room full of |clickOne>[scrap].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">"There's nothing in the kitchen,"</span> You hear |clickTwo>[through the door], <span class = "pigText">"All the tools are with me."</span>]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[She crashes through the door, drill and wrench in hand. She stands on her two back legs and |clickThree>[snorts], <span class = "pigText">"I guess this pig caught a wolf."</span>]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You have to fight back.]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(Show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?revealThree)[(go-to: "strawLunge")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You slam the door behind you, and find yourself in a room full of |clickOne>[scrap].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">"The bedroom?"</span> You hear |clickTwo>[through the door], <span class = "pigText">"There's no escape in there."</span>]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[She crashes through the door, drill and wrench in hand. She stands on her two back legs and |clickThree>[snorts], <span class = "pigText">"I guess this pig caught a wolf."</span>]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You have to fight back.]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(Show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?revealThree)[(go-to: "strawLunge")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
The door in front of you opens, and you peer in to see a workshop full of scrap and tools.
<span class = "pigText">"Come inside,"</span> The voice says, from behind the |clickOne>[open door].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You look from the |clickTwoONE>[open door] to the |clickTwoTWO>[two doors] down the hallway.]]
{|revealTwoONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[You step through the door.]]
|revealTwoTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[You turn back, just to look, but as soon as you do the door |clickThreeTWO>[slams behind you].]]}
{|revealThreeONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[The door slams behind you, and looking to your left you see a pig standing on her hind legs. She has human goggles over her eyes and you can see she'd be smaller than you if she stood on all four legs.<br><br>(if: $playerAnimal > 3)[<span class = "pigText">"I know you've been messing with the guard,"</span> she steps forward, but her small size makes it hard for you to feel intimidated, <span class = "pigText">"Care to explain yourself?"</span><br><br>
(if: $playerAnimal > 4)[|clickFourONE>[Grab her by the neck.]]
(else:)[|clickFourTWO>[Grab her by the neck.]]]
(else:)[<span class = "pigText">"I know you're running,"</span> she says, pulling a wrench off the table next to her and holding it in her hooved hand, <span class = "pigText">"I bet you did something, something mama doesn't like."<br><br>
(if: $playerAnimal >1)[|clickFourTHREE>[Growl at her.]]
(else:)[|clickFourFOUR>[You're running from hunters.]]]
|revealThreeTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class="pigText">"Better be quick, wolfie!"</span> You hear the voice call, |clickFourFIVE>[metal scraping across the floor at the same time], <span class = "pigText">"Don't want to get mangled now!"</span>]]}
|revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[You turn back to look at the doors on the |clickFiveONE>[left] and |clickFiveTWO>[right].]]}
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwoONE)[(show: ?revealTwoONE)(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You look to the open door.]]]
(click: ?clickTwoTWO)[(set: $playerGreed to $playerGreed + 2)(show: ?revealTwoTWO)(replace: ?revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You look from the open door to the <b>two doors</b> down the hallway.]]]
(click: ?revealTwoONE)[(show: ?revealThreeONE)]
(click: ?clickThreeTWO)[(show: ?revealThreeTWO)]
(click: ?clickFourONE)[(go-to: "strawNeckGrab")]
(click: ?clickFourTWO)[(go-to: "strawNeckGrab")]
(click: ?clickFourTHREE)[(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 1)(go-to: "strawGrowl")]
(click: ?clickFourFOUR)[(go-to: "strawRunFrom")]
(click: ?clickFourFIVE)[(show: ?revealFour)]
(click: ?clickFiveONE)[(go-to: "strawBedroomEntrance")]
(click: ?clickFiveTWO)[(go-to: "strawKitchenEntrance")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
This is the last page of this demo version.
(link: "Return to Menu")[(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)(go-to: "mainMenu")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(go-to: "strawLunge")
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
|achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[
(set: $achievementMangled to true)
<span class = "changeText">Is This A Reference? achievement collected</span><br>
(set: $tempTime to 0)
(set: $tempTimeOn to false)
(set: $tempTimeTwoOn to false)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $tempTimeOn is true)[
(set: $tempTime to $tempTime + 1)
(if: $tempTime is 1)[(unless: $achievementMangled is true)[
(show: ?achievement)
(if: $tempTime is 5)[
(replace: ?achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[]]
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
Your hackles raise, and |clickOne>[you growl at her].
{|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[
(if: $playerAnimal is 4)[(set: $tempTimeOn to true)She doesn't flinch at your growling, or even at your slow backing away. |clickTwoONE>[She stares at you].]
(else:)[She laughs, |clickTwoTWO>[leaning up against the door], <span class = "pigText">"You really want to try that? In my own home?"</span>]
{|revealTwoONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">"Thought as much,"</span> She puts her wrench back on the desk beside her, <i>"Lucky I like to bet."</i>]]
|revealTwoTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[Your |clickThreeTWO>[exit] is blocked, and she smiles at you as |clickThreeTHREE>[she knows it].]]
{|revealThreeONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[Before you can react she whips around, using her other hand to <i>slam a (text-style: "blur")[drill again s t you r](text-style: "blurrier")[ sk u l l]]]
|revealThreeTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[You back down, and the room is suddenly a small box with you and a predator inside.<br><br>
<span class = "pigText">"I'll give you one pass,"</span> She says, leaning off the door with a sharp drill in her free hand, <span class = "pigText">"Better start running."</span><br><br>
You run down the hall and |clickFourTWO>[through one of the other doors.]]]
|revealThreeTHREE)[(transition: "dissolve")[You raise yourself up, |clickFourTHREE>[growling deep in your throat] at her.]]
{|revealFourONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>(text-style: "blurrier")["My turn."]</i>]]
|revealFourTHREE)[(transition: "dissolve")[She stops laughing, <i>"Really?"</i><br><br>
She leans away from the door, grabbing a |clickFiveTWO>[sharp drill] off of the desk, <i>"You want to do this?"</i>]]
{|revealFiveONE)[(transition: "dissolve")[You black out.]]
|revealFiveTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[You could |clickSixONE>[lunge], or |clickSixTWO>[run].]]}
|revealSix)[(transition: "dissolve")[You back down, and the room is suddenly a small box with you and a predator inside.<i>"I'll give you one pass,"</i> She says, leaning off the door with a sharp drill in her free hand, <i>"Better start running."</i><br><br>
You run down the hall and |clickFourTWO>[through one of the other doors.]]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwoONE)[(set: $tempTimeTwo to 0)(set: $tempTimeTwoOn to true)]
(click: ?clickTwoTWO)[(show: ?revealTwoTWO)]
(click: ?clickThreeTWO)[(show: ?revealThreeTWO)(replace: ?revealTwoTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[Your exit is blocked.]]]
(click: ?clickThreeTHREE)[(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 2)(show: ?revealThreeTHREE)(replace: ?revealTwoTWO)[(transition: "dissolve")[Your exit is blocked, and she's <b>in the way</b>.]]]
(click: ?clickFourTWO)[(set: $tempVar to (random: 1,2))
(if: $tempVar is 1)[(go-to: "strawKitchenEntrance")]
(else:)[(go-to: "strawBedroomEntrance")]]
(click: ?clickFourTHREE)[(show: ?revealFourTHREE)]
(click: ?revealFiveONE)[(go-to: "strawBetweenMangled")]
(click: ?clickFiveTWO)[(show: ?revealFiveTWO)]
(click: ?clickSixONE)[(go-to: "strawLunge")]
(click: ?clickSixTWO)[(show: ?revealSix)]
(live: 1s)[
(if: $tempTimeTwoOn is true)[
(set: $tempTimeTwo to $tempTimeTwo + 1)
(if: $tempTimeTwo is 2)[
(show: ?revealTwoONE)
(if: $tempTimeTwo is 4)[
(show: ?revealThreeONE)
(if: $tempTimeTwo is 6)[
(show: ?revealFourONE)
(if: $tempTimeTwo is 8)[
(show: ?revealFiveONE)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You tell her what you were |clickOne>[running from].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[She looks at you for a moment, and then |clickTwo>[frees up her hands], <span class = "pigText">"Shouldn't have bet on you."</span>]]
{|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[She turns away from |clickThreeONE>[her tools], opening the door back out into |clickThreeTWO>[the hallway].]]
|revealTwoMini)[(transition: "dissolve")[<br><br>You look at her back, |clickThreeMini>[defenceless], and at the |clickThreeTWO>[open door].]]}
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">"You should leave,"</span> She turns to look at you, leaving room for you to |clickFour>[run out], <span class = "pigText">"You should've asked mama for help."</span>]]
|revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[You step past her and she follows you out, |clickFive>[close behind you].]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThreeONE)[(replace: ?revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[She turns away from her tools, opening the door back out into the hallway.]](Show: ?revealTwoMini)]
(click: ?clickThreeTWO)[(replace: ?revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[She turns away from her tools, opening the door back out into the hallway.]](show: ?revealThree)(replace: ?revealTwoMini)[(transition: "dissolve")[<br><br>You look at the open door.]]]
(click: ?clickThreeMini)[(go-to: "strawAttack")]
(click: ?clickFour)[(show: ?revealFour)]
(click: ?clickFive)[(go-to: "strawEscape")]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
}{(unless: $consolePass is "devSpecKeyInput")[(put: (prompt: "Developer Console Key", "Enter Here") into $consolePass)]
(if: $consolePass is "devSpecKeyInput")[]
(else:)[(go-to: "mainMenu")]
(replace: ?Sidebar)[(link: "Menu")[(set: $consolePass to 0)(go-to: "mainMenu")]<br>Welcome to the developer console, all settings and locations can be accessed from here]
-> |animalLink>[Enter playerAnimal value]
-> |greedLink>[Enter playerGreed value]
-> |hungerLink>[Enter playerHunger value]
-> |restLink>[Enter playerRest value]
-> |travelLink>[Input passage name to travel to]
(click: ?travelLink)[(put: (prompt: "Enter passage name, incorrect names will cause errors:", "Enter here") into $tempPassName)]
(click: ?animalLink)[(put: (prompt: "Enter playerAnimal value:","0") into $playerAnimal)(set: $playerAnimal to (num: $playerAnimal))(go-to: "devConsole")]
(click: ?greedLink)[(put: (prompt: "Enter playerGreed value:","0") into $playerGreed)(set: $playerGreed to (num: $playerGreed))(go-to: "devConsole")]
(click: ?hungerLink)[(put: (prompt: "Enter playerHunger value:","0") into $playerHunger)(set: $playerHunger to (num: $playerHunger))(go-to: "devConsole")]
(click: ?restLink)[(put: (prompt: "Enter playerRest value:","0") into $playerRest)(set: $playerRest to (num: $playerRest))(go-to: "devConsole")]
(live: 1s)[
(unless: $tempPassName is 0)[
(replace: ?travelLink)[|travelLinking>[Travel to $tempPassName]]
(click: ?travelLinking)[(set: $tempPassGo to $tempPassName)(set: $tempPassName to 0)(set: $consolePass to 0)(go-to: $tempPassGo)]
(set: $tempTimer to 0)
(set: $tempTimerOn to true)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[(text-style: "blink")[<i>(text-style: "smear")[ERROR]</i>] <br>(text-style: "blink")[<i>(text-style: "smear")[ERROR]</I>] <br>
<i>(text-style: "smear")[PATH FILE CORRUPTED]]
|lineOne>[(set: $tempTimerOn to false)Restart device? |clickOne>[y]/|clickTwo>[n]]
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[This is the end of your journey. |achievement)[<br><span class = "changeText">Mangled ending collected</span>]
(unless: $endingMangled is true)[(show: ?achievement)(set: $endingMangled to true)](link: "Return to Menu")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(set: $tempTimerOn to true)(replace: ?lineOne)[(text-style: "blink")[Attempting reboot...]]]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(replace: ?lineOne)[Shutting Down](replace: ?Sidebar)[(css: "display: hidden")[]](show: ?revealOne)]
(live: 1s)[
(if: $tempTimerOn is true)[
(set: $tempTimer to $tempTimer + 1)
(if: $tempTimer is 4)[
(replace: ?lineOne)[<i>(text-style: "blink")[(text-style: "smear")[ERROR]]]
(if: $tempTimer is 6)[
(show: ?revealOne)
(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
}(replace: ?Sidebar)[(css: "display: hidden")[]](set: $tempTimer to 0)
|revealOne>[(text-style: "blink")[(text-style: "blur")[. . .]]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $tempTimer to $tempTimer + 1)
(if: $tempTimer is 5)[
(replace: ?revealOne)[(link: "Initiating . . .")[(go-to: "strawMangled")]]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You |clickOne>[crouch low].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[She doesn't move.]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You snap up, teeth aimed for |clickThree>[her throat].]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You see the |clickFour>[drill swing] too late.]]
|revealEnd)[(transition: "dissolve")[This is the end of your journey. |achievement)[<br><span class = "changeText">Scarecrow ending collected</span>]
(unless: $endingScarecrow is true)[(show: ?achievement)(set: $endingScarecrow to true)](link: "Return to Menu")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?revealOne)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?clickFour)[(show: ?revealEnd)(replace: ?revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>You see the drill swing too late</i>]](replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: 0 <br>Rest: 0<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]]
(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $tempTimeTwo to 0)
(set: $tempTimeTwoOn to false)
|achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[
(set: $achievementBetrayal to true)
<span class = "changeText">Betrayal achievement collected</span><br>
(set: $tempTime to 0)
(live: 1s)[
(set: $tempTime to $tempTime + 1)
(if: $tempTime is 1)[(unless: $achievementBetrayal is true)[
(show: ?achievement)
(if: $tempTime is 5)[
(replace: ?achievement)[(transition: "dissolve")[]]
(set: $playerAnimal to $playerAnimal + 10)
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You take this |clickOne>[chance].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">"Mama won't be happy,"</span> She says, looking out the hallway. She's not |clickTwo>[watching you].]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You crouch low, and throw yourself at her with your |clickThree>[teeth bared].]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>You latch onto her neck.</i>]]
|revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>She snarls deep in her throat before you cut it short.</i>]]
|revealFive)[(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]](set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger + 10)(transition: "dissolve")[<i>Her blood is warm on your tongue, and you look at the dead pig at your feet.</i>]]
|revealSix)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>You step out of the building.</i>]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(show: ?revealThree)(set: $tempTimeTwoOn to true)]
(click: ?revealSix)[(go-to: "strawMurderRun")]
(live: 1s)[
(if: $tempTimeTwoOn is true)[
(set: $tempTimerTwo to $tempTimerTwo + 1)
(if: $tempTimerTwo is 2)[
(show: ?revealFour)
(if: $tempTimerTwo is 4)[
(show: ?revealFive)
(if: $tempTimerTwo is 6)[
(show: ?revealSix)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $tempTimer to 0)
(set: $tempTimerOn to false)
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
She directs you |clickOne>[out of the house], <span class = "pigText">"Mama won't be happy with you."</span>
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You step into the clearing, the sun harsh on your eyes.
<span class = "pigText">"Good luck to you, wolfie,"</span> She calls, before slamming the door shut and leaving you |clickTwo>[alone].]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You look to your right and see <i>her</i>, her huge form blocking the way you'd |clickThree>[come into the clearing].]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You hear |clickFour>[footsteps behind you].]]
|revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[You feel something wrap tight around |clickFive>[your neck].]]
|revealFive)[(set: $tempTimerOn to true)(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigTextAlt">"Got $proObj, mama."]]
|revealSix)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>It crushes down, and you struggle.</i>]]
|revealEnd)[(transition: "dissolve")[This is the end of your journey. |achievement)[<br><span class = "changeText">Lost The Bet ending collected</span>]
(unless: $endingLotTheBet is true)[(show: ?achievement)(set: $endingLostTheBet to true)](link: "Return to Menu")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)(replace: ?clickTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>with someone</i>]]]
(click: ?clickThree)[(show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?clickFour)[(show: ?revealFour)]
(click: ?clickFive)[(show: ?revealFive)]
(live: 1s)[
(if: $tempTimerOn is true)[
(set: $tempTimer to $tempTimer + 1)
(if: $tempTimer is 3)[
(show: ?revealSix)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: 0 <br>Rest: 0<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(if: $tempTimer is 8)[
(show: ?revealEnd)
(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You falter, and fall. You can feel your body (text-style: "blur")[|clickOne>[failing].]
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[(text-style: "blur")[(if: $playerHunger < 0)[Your body curls up, |clickTwo>[hunger piercing your thoughts].](else:)[You slump to the floor, |clickTwo>[exhaustion pulling at your limbs].]]]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[(text-style: "blurrier")[The last thing you hear is |clickThree>[laughter].]]]
|revealEnd)[(transition: "dissolve")[This is the end of your journey. |achievement)[<br><span class = "changeText">Base Needs ending collected</span>]
(unless: $endingBaseNeeds is true)[(show: ?achievement)(set: $endingBaseNeeds to true)](link: "Return to Menu")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(clicK: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(show: ?revealend)]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
|change>[You walk down the passage.]
You could |clickOne>[rest], or |clickTwo>[turn around], but you |clickThree>[keep walking].
(click: ?clickOne)[
(unless: $stickCatch is true)[
(set: $stickCatch to true)
(replace: ?change)[(replace: ?clickOne)[<span class = "changeText">rest</span>](set: $playerRest to $playerRest + 5)(transition: "dissolve")[You stop walking for a moment, and lay down to rest. As you do, you can hear clicking coming from the ceiling.<br><br>
You stand, unsure of how long you've been sleeping. The clicking you heard from the ceiling is louder.]]
(go-to: "stickSleepCatch")
(click: ?clickTwo)[(go-to: "stickTurnAround")]
(click: ?clickThree)[(go-to: "stickHousePassage")]
(if: $playerHunger is 0)[
(if: $playerRest > $playerHunger)[
(go-to: "stickPassageEscape")
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You lay down again, and the clicking in the ceiling |clickOne>[stops].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[You close your eyes and fold your paws |clickTwo>[across each other].]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You hear creaking above you as you |clickThree>[breathe out].]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You sleep.]]
|revealEnd)[(transition: "dissolve")[This is the end of your journey. |achievement)[<br><span class = "changeText">Sleeping In The Sticks ending collected</span>]
(unless: $endingStickSleep is true)[(show: ?achievement)(set: $endingStickSleep to true)](link: "Return to Menu")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?revealThree)[(show: ?revealEnd)]
(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $tempTimerOn to false)
(set: $tempTimer to 0)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You stop walking and |clickOne>[turn around].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[The passage behind you continues on, you |clickTwo>[can't see an end].]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You hear clicking behind you, and spin around to see a pig |clickThree>[stretched like toffee].]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[They smile too large, sharp little teeth |clickFour>[splitting their face].]]
|revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">(text-style: "shadow")["You're looking the wrong way,"]</span> They say, twisting around on themselves to inch |clickFive>[closer], <span class = "pigText">(text-style: "shadow")["The wrong way...."]</span>]]
|revealFive)[(transition: "dissolve")[You back up, only to bump into the hind legs that they've twisted around your |clickSix>[body].]]
|revealSix)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">(text-style: "shadow")["Goodnight, little wolfie."]</span>]]
|revealEnd)[(transition: "dissolve")[This is the end of your journey. |achievement)[<br><span class = "changeText">Constricted ending collected</span>]
(unless: $endingConstric is true)[(show: ?achievement)(set: $endingConstrict to true)](link: "Return to Menu")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?clickFour)[(show: ?revealFour)]
(click: ?clickFive)[(show: ?revealFive)]
(click: ?clickSix)[(show: ?revealSix)(set: $tempTimerOn to true)]
(live: 1s)[
(if: $tempTimerOn is true)[
(set: $tempTimer to $tempTimer + 1)
(if: $tempTimer is 3)[
(show: ?revealEnd)
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
You stumble, falling onto the ground with a |clickOne>[hard crack].
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[<span class = "pigText">(text-style: "shadow")["So close..."]</span> You hear a voice say |clickTwo>[above you], <span class = "pigText">(text-style: "shadow")["Just a few more steps, $playerName."]</span>]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[You |clickThree>[don't have the strength] to move.]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[You feel something slide beneath you, and lift you from the |clickFour>[floor].
<span class = "pigText">(text-style: "shadow")["A few more steps..."]</span>]]
|revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[You are carried away, and you |clickFive>[close your eyes].]]
|revealEnd)[(transition: "dissolve")[This <span class = "changeText">isn't</span> the end of your journey. |achievement)[<br><span class = "changeText">Goodnight ending collected</span>]
(unless: $endingGoodnight is true)[(show: ?achievement)(set: $endingGoodnight to true)](link: "Return to Menu")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)
(click: ?clickOne)[(show: ?revealOne)]
(click: ?clickTwo)[(show: ?revealTwo)]
(click: ?clickThree)[(show: ?revealThree)]
(click: ?clickFour)[(show: ?revealFour)]
(click: ?clickFive)[(show: ?revealEnd)]
(if: $playerHunger < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(if: $playerRest < 0)[(go-to: "endingDeath")]
(set: $playerHunger to $playerHunger - 1)
(set: $playerRest to $playerRest - 1)
(replace: ?Sidebar)[Hunger: $playerHunger <br>Rest: $playerRest<br>
(link: "Save")[{(set: $saved to true)(if:(save-game:"mainSave"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
(link: "Menu")[(link: "Are you sure? All progress will be lost")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
<i>You can feel the sun on your fur.</i>
|revealOne)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>You stand in the center of the clearing, the wind gently mixing the blood further into your fur.</i>]]
|revealTwo)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>You can feel her watching you.</i>]]
|revealThree)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>You step out into the woods.</i> ]]
|revealFour)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>You can hear someone shouting from the house you left.</i>]]
|revealFive)[(transition: "dissolve")[<i>You are not followed.</i>]]
|revealEnd)[(transition: "dissolve")[This <i>isn't</i> the end of your journey. |achievement)[<br><span class = "changeText">Mother's Rage ending collected</span>]
(unless: $endingMotherRage is true)[(show: ?achievement)(set: $endingMotherRage to true)](link: "Return to Menu")[(go-to: "mainMenu")]]]
(set: $playthroughs to $playthroughs + 1)
(set: $tempTime to 0)
(live: 1s)[
(set: $tempTime to $tempTime + 1)
(if: $tempTime is 2)[
(show: ?revealOne)
(if: $tempTime is 4)[
(show: ?revealTwo)
(if: $tempTime is 6)[
(show: ?revealThree)
(if: $tempTime is 8)[
(show: ?revealFour)
(if: $tempTime is 10)[
(show: ?revealFive)
(if: $tempTime is 12)[
(show: ?revealEnd)